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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Photoshoot Trendz

Hello Urban Women,

I have started to notice that a major trend this season is getting professional photo shoots. It might come as a surprise, but I am a major endorser of photo shoots may they be amateur, professional, or selfies. I have been building on my portfolio for years-Tyra Banks basically told me that my pics are too editorial for her show. If you are on a strict budget make sure you have mirrors everywhere you go-they can capture the moment just as good as any instantgram. Here are some totally creative new ideas for your next photoshoot!

These cutesie pics may look familiar. Traditionally photographers have stuck to putting babies in pots, slings, coffee beans and the like. I say be bold and throw yourself into a small container-this will inspire people to look beyond your tough urban exterior into your soft infantile heart.

Lee Goldup for VICE Magazine 5Lee Goldup for VICE Magazine

Anything that promotes health is part of the Urban lifestyle, so I say, why not turn it into a photo shoot. With a hint of sensuality you too can impact the eating habits of the next generation. I don't normally like to post piccies of myself, but this is a special one that one of my boy toys took during snack time.
Funny Banana Eating Images -sexy girls
This is the ever gorge Jenny from the block Garner...but I too find that when I straddle the couch I look ultra sexy. These types of impromtu photo shoots can show your glamourous edge while also exposing your casual hangin' out in the loft attitude. Try one at home. Some may like the zebra pantaloonies, but I find them slightly garrish. I would opt for a bedazzled low rider pair of boyfriend undies.
Jennifer Garner



Don't forget to post your new pics!
Until next time,
Urban Woman
P.S. For something totally ahead of the trend check out this fab vid on how to give your pet a pawdicure!

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