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Tuesday, 20 May 2014


Hello Urban Women,

Spring is in the air and DIYs are all over the cloud. Kim and Kanye are hosting a DIY wedding planned entirely by professionals, Lady Gaga has created a new line of DIY cellophane contact lenses, and Mother Earth is sprouting her very own DIY grass. We all know the austerity measures in Europe and abroad can lead to penny pinching and unbalanced budgets. This is why DIYS are the new way to spruce up your life on a shoestring.

I thought I would take some time to share some of my very favourite Urban style Do It Yourself projects to give a fresh touch to your life!

DIY Blog

Many say blogging is the original DIY. I agree, because I have been blogging for so long and I basically started the DIY movement. I know I've encouraged many of you struggling urban women to start your own blogs to get support for some of your everyday struggles. For example, if you have ever felt like no one cared about you, blogging is one sure way to prove to yourself that everyone wants to read about every meaningless thought you've ever had. Here is an easy how-to!

-Dig out any old/current diaries/journals/medical records
-Type them out
-Post on the web
-Add some funky graphics (side boob is really impressive these days)

DIY Breakfast in Bed

Breakfast in bed is usually best enjoyed after a cray night out at the hottest new tequila bar, so I prefer to do all the prep work ahead of time so that my when I wake up to smell the coffee I need not do anything other than roll over to enjoy a luxurious meal in my Disney princess bedsheets!

Night before Prep
-Place a nespresso pod in your camelbak aquifer, add water.
-Place under pillow to keep warm

-Throw an egg in the microwave for 45 seconds on defrost (this will stop the shell from drying out.)
-Place egg on stylish tray fashioned from a pallet (pallets are all the rage in the DIY community)
-Place loaf of bread on radiator to toast overnight


DIY Fragrance

DIY perfumes are one of the smelling industries biggest secrets. Brittney Spears, Justin Beiber, and Axe Body Spray don't want you to know just how simple and cost effective it can be to design your very own customized fragrance. Follow these easy steps to increase your scent profile!

1. Go to local store and pick up a bottle of Febreeze "New Car Scent"
2. Find your closest greenhouse and collect the flowers that have fallen off the plants in a non-transparent bag (pleather is my fave)
3. Muddle the flowers in the Febreeze
4. This is the fun part! Add any of the following ingredients to customize your scent

Eau de Toilette- this one speaks for itself! I prefer to use water that is fresh after flushing
Musk-add a dash of dog hair
Jasmine-decorate your diffuser with this Disney Princess's voluptuous figure
Woody-Throw some toothpicks into the blender to add some texture and grit to your fragrance
Sexy Devil- Use sulphur from your nearest hotspring to bring out your naughty side
Love Potion-Add 69 mls of pheromones (easily collected from the dead skin found in armpits or saliva glands)

Use a turkey baster to apply your new fragrance to all of your sexiest pulse points. Traditionally these have been your neck, behind your knees and in your cleavage. Since I consider myself to me a modern woman, I prefer to baste my entire body in the perfume to ensure that no one can leave my luxurious smell behind!

If I can do it, you can DIY too!

Until next time,

Urban Woman

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