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Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Urban Woman FAQs

Hello Urban Women,

Lately I've noticed that the majority of my time is spent responding to my fan mail. I'm hoping that by blogging some of your top Qs I will have more time to dedicate to some of my other ventures, like my new slimming beauty hosiery line for children. This should serve as a quick guide to everything you need to know about me and my Urban Lifestyle.

Q: Urban Woman, why are you so pretty?
A: Well ladies, let's just say my look is the perfect fusion of genes, jeans, and nip tuck. 

Q: How did you get your start in the blogosphere?
A: Since I was a baby I loved fashion, entertaining and living life to the fullest. My mom tells a super cute story about me that I just have to share!
When I was two years old I was like, "Mom, can you drop me off at the strip mall?"
And she was like, "No way, you're credit card is maxed".
And I was like, "But mom, there is a mega blow out at the Tommy Hilfinger outlet store... Puh leeeese".
So my mom dropped me off and I bought a faux fur vest on layaway.

Q: Who are your role models Urban Woman?
A: Obviously I don't have the time to name every person who has had a major influence on my life, but here are some of my top picks! 
Donna Joe Tanner
Bella Swan
Tiffany Amber Thiessen
Chris Gaines
Q: When you order a sub do you get regular mayo or low fat?
A: I usually bring my own special sauce that is the perfect combo of sweet and savoury.

Urban Woman's Special Sub Sauce
1 part apple juice
1 part Heinz bean gravy
1/2 part MSG
Shake well and enjoy

Q: What advice would you give to to someone who wants to be less rural and more urban (and also struggles with Rosacea)?

A: First of all what a great question. This can be a really tough transition but I admire you for taking the first steps. It can be a shocker to go from rural to urban in one fell swoop. I recommend you take a couple of jaunts into the big city to slowly get a feel for the urban vibe. Make sure to pack your stilettos and some extra cover up (for the rosacea). Consider hitting up some of the hottest clubs during the day to plan out which speaker you may want to dance on when you decide to venture out for a night on the town. Another fun idea is to take a taxi to your fave fast food hotspot so you get a sense of having your own driver. And remember-non stop selfies so you can scrapbook your rise to urbandom.
Q: How do you achieve balance in your ultra busy uber urban life?
A: When I go to the gym I really focus on my core strength. Not only does this lead to the ultra bikini bod, but it also helps me stay upright when wearing my highest heels in an ice storm.
  Keep those questions coming ladies!

Until next time,
Urban Woman

1 comment:

SLP said...

Dear Urban Woman,

I really wanted to vote in your pole on animal decorated privates but was disappointed to learn the pole is closed. How will I know how in-line my personal beliefs compare to your obviously stylish readers?

cheek kisses and lol's,

Metropolitan Gal