Since I still have a cold and flu that seems uncurable (I spent 8 hours in the emergency room only to be sent home with nothing but an extra large nose tampon), I have had a lot of thinking time. As a result of me being so busy it is rare that I get time to sit and reflect, so obviously the topic of my musings is a deep and meaningful one-forwards, of the email variety.
I have heard various people whining about forwards, as though their sole purpose is to fill their junk inbox. For me, forwards are sacred. Not only do they show how often you are on people's minds, but they also can be totally uplifting and inspiring. I also get some great new product suggestions via forwards-such as goji juice, penis enlargement supplements, and starting your own business online. And you can imagine how good I feel when I know that women really are in sisterhood and angels are watching me.
I also tend to have supersitions about forwards because in the past bad things have happened when I did not follow the simple instruction to "forward". This one time, I got a forward (see below), and I only sent it to 10 of my closest bffs instead of the 100 it requested. The next day I ended up in the slammer for copyright infringement (under the guise of indecent exposure-hey, I was hosting a fashion event...). What goes around comes around.
Prison vs Work:
- - - - - - - - - - - -IN spend the majority of your time in an 8X10 cell.
AT spend most of your time in a 6X8 cubicle.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
IN get three meals a day (free).
AT only get a break for one meal and you have to pay for it yourself.
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IN get time off for good behavior.
AT get rewarded for good behavior with more WORK.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
What I am really saying here is forward this Urban Woman post to all your friends and family or you will end up living a life of boredom, style mishaps, and suburbia!
I have created my own forward too. I hope you take the time to post it to your friends email, twitter and facebooks.
URBAN WOMAN FORWARD-send it to 15 bffs and within 15 days you will have 15 new friend requests on f.b!
Live life to the fullest, it is the small things that bring love to our hearts.
Post a photo of yourself looking your best on all of the mirrors in your house. This way when you are having a bad hair day you can pretend you look like you do in the photo.
Small feet are like kittens, they never stop giving.
When you say "I'm sorry" look up and to the left, this will make people think you are lying. Even if you're being totally honest.
Being Urban means you are connected to the streets and even more connected to the world wide webs. If it weren't for urbanization we wouldn't have smog coloured moths, a middle class, or street sweepers. Nevermind the abolishment of cottage industries-the epitome of country lace drapes. Love your urban neighbours every day!
Remember, if you don't forward this you will lose all of your friends on fb to those who did forward this!
Until next time,
Urban Woman
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