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Saturday 14 January 2012

New Year's Revolution

Hello Urban Women,

We made it into the new millenium safe & sound! You go gurls! I can imagine that many of you have been spending time with an avo-oatmeal face mask on sitting in your boudoir thinking about your New Year's Revolutions. I always take this time of year super seriously-it is a great time to look back on your accomplishments and feel your self esteem kick up a notch. It is also a great time to think about what is yet to come and how you want to be part of it. For this reason I think of every new year as a revolution-to be more specific, an urban revolution.

I would usually provide a live stream of my revolution session, unfortunately I spilled non fat soya matcha latte with extra whipping cream on my webcam, so I'll just have to tell you about it.

(think of Urban Woman with a canvas and some neon highlighters brainstorming. This canvas will ultimately be auctioned off for my favourite personal cause- profit)
  • got asked for I.D. at the liquor barn 4 times in 2011
  • had at least 2 offers to create an Urban Woman Recipe Book (I turned these offers down because the publisher wanted to take a different creative direction that undermined my culinary spark)
  • went from square nails, to pointy nails, to stilleto nails, and successfully back to acrylic extenders
  • my blog was critically acclaimed with over 1 person who signed up as a follower
  • I am the main hub on facebook, tweet###, and myspace for Urban advice
  • lost .75lbs in water weight by spitting into a cup for an entire morning
  • lived, loved, laughed, created, coaxed, cumin, examined, wrote, dreamed, imagined, journey, adventured, celebrated, became a star, danced like everyone was watching (especially you big brother :)), cooked, mingled, marvelled, sabotage, isotope, urbanization, etc.......
(This process is more creatively introspective, I usually put on painter's garb and a tam for the visioning phase, I also survive on a diet of ritz crackers and low grade sparkling grape juice)
  • Take the drive-through world by storm by having exact change
  • target the tween demographic for blog subscription
  • change lives one day at a time
  • start wearing more stylized che guevera gear, turn that drabby old t-shirt into a slutty sophmore costume
  • exchange margarine for butter and cool whip for jello pudding at every turn
  • get more Urban Men contact deets for my little black berry
  • memorize the lyrics to the new Nickleback album
  • Expand the use of emoticons to mainstream urban culture
:) smilez
;) winkz
:0 OMG
}:( time for botox-check out those furrowed brows!
('')--  tadpole

Hopefully my creative process will inspire yours-remember Urban Women, when you are this fab you have no excuses to not be fighting for the Urban Revolution: Aunt Urby Wants You! (totally love this sporty tee for 2012)

Until next time,

Urban Woman